Arial view of a truck driving through a forest

Trucking CRM/Sales Dashboard

Managing a truck fleet is a complex and rewarding endeavor. When you’re managing the day-to-day logistics, customer relationship management (CRM) may be overlooked. CRM is about bridging the gap between a company and its customers.

Strategy Systems has created this guide of inside CRM tips to wow your customers. Keep reading to learn how our team will connect you with convenient trucking CRM/dashboard software.

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3 Ways Trucking CRM Software Will Boost Your Business

A trucking dispatch CRM allows your team to connect with drivers and customers in a centralized location. Check out these four ways CRM software options will help grow your freight management business.

1. Focus on Leads

A CRM helps you create a central information hub for data on your prospects and clients. This organization makes it easy for your marketing team to connect with new prospects and close deals without confusion.

Centralization also provides an opportunity for your team to review how customers rate your freight delivery at a glance. You’ll use this information to build your relationship with happy customers and practice damage control with disappointed clients.

2. Improve Customer Support

The CRM also makes it easy for your team to provide clients with rapid questions to answers. The software will keep track of your conversations along with shipping requests and tracking. If a customer wants information about their order, it’s easy to access a record on the spot.

3. Boost Customer Lifetime Value

When you watch customer satisfaction closely, it becomes easier to develop the client’s lifetime value. For example, suppose a toy supplier you’ve worked with partners with an up-and-coming new video game supplier. You now have an opportunity to network and connect with the video game company through the toy supplier.

Networking will create repeat customers and open new doors for your operation — all through the power of a convenient CRM.

Demo a CRM Designed for Trucking Companies Today

Strategy Systems offers CRM software and a sales dashboard customized to the needs of trucking companies. Our team understands the unique complexities of managing freight and meeting customers’ needs, which is why we’ve built an intuitive solution to help you through every step of the CRM process.

Want to get started with our CRM software? Contact the team to request your demo today!

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